How Do Food Labels Help Sustainability?

Product labels are an important factor in the food industry; whether you’re at the grocery store, deli, or in restaurants, a small label can make a big impact.

Labeling goes beyond just identifying what’s in the product or what its nutritional value is. With a labeling system in your restaurant you can be confident knowing that not only are you protecting your financial assets, you’re making an environmental difference as well.

restaurant people eating

In the United States alone, an estimated 133 billion pounds of waste comes from food spoilage in stores, restaurants, and homes. Food safety, consumer safety, and economic and environmental factors contribute to the growing importance to improve restaurant sustainability. In an industry that continues to become more competitive every year, finding ways to stand out is critical; creating a sustainable and environmentally conscious business plan can do just that.

So, where do you start? Simply stated, start with food labels.

NCCO has an array of products designed to help save you time, money, product, and help with sustainability. Our Date Code Genie improves production and safety in your restaurant kitchen. You’ll reduce your food waste with accurate and consistent labeling. You’ll save on labor costs as it is such a simple solution to a multi-layered problem.

Date Code Genie Devices

The Date Code Genie is such a simple system to operate that you’ll save time, money, and resources on food prep. Have a look at this video from restaurant owners and managers just like you who have tried and loved the Date Code Genie.

Another sustainable solution we’re proud of is our dissolvable food safety labels. If you’re still concerned about and interested in implementing sustainable, efficient, and safe ways to make an impact, our biodegradable, dissolving food rotation labels are exactly what you need. They dissolve completely in water so you’ll produce less paper waste while still ensuring your food prep is labeled and used correctly.


From the cooler to the prep area, it’s important to know which products to use first to reduce your risk of spoilage. Food rotation systems help you improve inventory management, monitor expiration dates, avoid cross-contamination, ensure customer safety, assure health inspectors that the kitchen is within code, reduce waste and save you time and money.