The Evolution of Customer Service

In this day and age, a restaurant’s success depends on more than good food. Quality, value, sanitation, location, staffing—it all combines to create customer experience. Customer service and experience has evolved and continues to do so. What does that mean for restaurants and their customers? We’re glad you asked.

It’s more important than ever that restaurants deliver consistently engaging, memorable experiences that drive a connection to the brand at every opportunity. It’s also critical to know what your guests are looking for and what they’re expecting. Social media has changed the conversation for restaurants and other customer driven industries. Suddenly, customer service became a very public, very uncontrollable, topic for discussion. Customers are now in control of that conversation and restaurants need to react and respond. Now consumers expect restaurants to engage them, listen to them, understand them, and delight them. It’s a tall order. So what can you do to keep up with these evolving demands?

Focus on Staff Training
Well trained staff make a restaurant run smoothly. Restaurant staff are your most valuable asset. Give them the tools they need to be successful. The Date Code Genie makes food prep simple, consistent, and easy—all with the push of a button. By developing well-defined, easily digestible training that includes interactive content and post-training assessments, restaurants can ensure that their employees provide a consistently great experience for consumers.

What’s Trending?
It’s important to stay up to date on all the current trends. What’s working for your competitors? What do global trends predict? You can tell a lot about what your customers are looking for by paying attention.

Stay Proactive
You can take a proactive approach to learning what your customers want. Use custom products like our RegistRolls to get customer feedback. Offer customer loyalty programs and promotions to keep your customers engaged in what you’re doing.

Customer service means more than just bringing food from the kitchen to table. It’s more important than ever to know what your customers want and to let them be part of the conversation.